Today I am breaking up my practice into two parts, an hour this morning and an hour later focusing on backbends. This morning I spent the hour warming up, twisting and focusing on core. After working with Ana, I am a strong believer in preparing the spine for deeper backbends. Also from working with Forrest yoga, I realize that a backbend is intricate and needs more focus than just bending back.
The rib cage needs to be expanded, the core warmed up, the shoulders open, and spine needs to be supple. Going into deep backbends early in practice is energizing and feels strong, but really opening into the backbend takes a lot of work.
I am trying to work on the viparita above and am using blocks to support the sacrum. While I can lift off, my shoulders are still a little too tight and I need to work on upper thoracic stretching to really expand the chest as in this version.
This afternoon I will work on the actual backbends. I will rewarm the areas I worked and then work on shoulder flexibility. After several sets of wheels, I will work on viparita and probably end with inversions.
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