Yes I can't think of anyone who is more the epitomy of Yogagoddess than Christy Turlington. She has long been an advocate of yoga and practices karma yoga in her life off the mat. She is an advocate for health and is involved in antismoking education and working on the elimination of AIDS in Africa. She has a great book called Living Yoga which I linked below. If you are a fan of supermodel Christy you will love Yogini Christy even more. Her book includes a good background on the history of yoga so she is very INFORMED all around. I have always loved her.
Yesterday was pure luxury for me. Sunday is my day of spending a LONG time practicing. Yesterday was 3 hours. My goal is to work up to two hours a day. My schedule only allows for the long session on Sunday so sometimes I split. I could get up at four and get two hours in most days but that would mean for me going to sleep at eight at night.
Actually last night I DID fall asleep at eight o'clock and got up at five to teach 6 am yoga today at Inner Fire. I am trying to figure out the focus for my practice later. Yesterday was a backbend focused practice so today will have to be something else. When I say a three hour practice on backbends that does not mean I do backbends for three hours, it means I have the luxury of really warming the spine up for deep backbends. Usually the apex pose will be viparita dandasana or scorpion. The warm ups include a LOT of cobras, twists, and lunges. Lunges freak people out when they are done long and deep and with a lot of strength. They freak out the accomplished yogi as much as a newbi. It is one of those poses that anyone can do in some form with some modification but in a lot of classes you are just flowing through them and not really getting into the depth of the hip and thigh opening. I love lunges. I also hate them. Also I like to cool down out of backbends with some more twisting and gentle forward bending into some deeper poses that also work into the hips.
I am going to focus on some of the more intermediate poses I have been working on in my classes this week for the intermediate classes and set up for these poses in regular flow.
Check out Christy's book. She is also humble. I love true humility and it is hard to find. Really.
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