Yogagodess is about the potentiality of our divine nature. On this path I am more a student than a teacher always. As the path lengthens, it narrows and more is left behind.

Monday, August 15, 2011


Okay tomorrow is the day. For sure.

How was your weekend. Mine was full of yoga! I had Saturday and Sunday off from teaching so was able to engage in two hour practice with really deep leg work both days. Then yesterday I took a 20 mile bike ride. Today my legs are FEELING it.

How do you define yoga? I define yoga as anything that I love to do that takes me into a purer state of consciousness and where I am able to focus on one thing without a lot of distractions. Biking is definitely yoga for me as well as canning. I have been canning a lot since my garden was very lush this year. I will eventually can 36 quarts of tomatos I am estimating.

Teaching yoga is also yoga to me. As my students know, I can really give some messed up cuing. I say right for left, knee for elbow, and bridge for boat. My mind is visioning but the words come out wrong and I don't realize it until the students are looking confused and moving into something I am NOT envisioning. I have been like that all my life. As a child, could NOT get right and left correct. Teaching yoga has really helped me to stay mindful of this.

When I started teaching Bikram style yoga I had to stand at the back of the class so I could tell them to pick up the right foot so I wouldn't say left, etc. Even after practicing the class hundreds of times, I could not say the right word. This exercise helped me. Staying in their perspective allowed me to say the right words. Facing them would throw me off. I have seen teachers who can mirror from the front very well. It is not an easy skill.

So look for the new site tomorrow. I am moving all of this over to my domain and will be blogging once or twice a day.

Blogging = yoga to me.

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