Yogagodess is about the potentiality of our divine nature. On this path I am more a student than a teacher always. As the path lengthens, it narrows and more is left behind.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


I am in the middle of reading Ana Forrest's book FIERCE MEDICINE and am processing it slowly. I have not been able to sit through and read it front to back and am not sure the correct language now that I Kindle everything I read. At any rate, there are two reasons this resonates with me.

One. I did her Advanced Teacher Training at Kripalu last August. I can honestly say this is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life, especially physically. We did three and a half hour classes every day for nine days of advanced level asana. After the second day I wasn't sure if I was going to last. I am 54 years old and could not do a lot of the asana at that time. I stayed with it and at the end of the week, came out a stronger practitioner and had a lot of new skills/tools to bring to my classes. I can see the benefits manifest months later now in students who have also gained strength, focus, and skill in asana. More important, I learned something from Ana's skills as a healer. I think that reflects in the book title. As much of an intense physical practice Forrest yoga is, the power it has is in the power it has/she has to heal spiritually and physically.

Two. Ana and I are the same age. The other day I read the section about her first teacher training. She intended a month long intensive teacher training at age 18 and during that time detoxed from years of addiction to alcohol, drugs, and nicotine. At that age, I was attending my first year of college at the same time. She had already been through years of abuse and addiction and definitely had a harder life. I had been raised by supportive and loving, albeit insecure and somewhat addicitve parents. I did not have the experience of being unsupported or being forced to take care of myself. Years later at Kripalu, my insecurities were apparent through this training. I did have and did face some of my own harsh realities. And learned to make friends with them and use them as my best teachers.

This fierceness that I learned as a healing tool has allowed me to walk towards and with my truth in the past almost year. This has been a gift to me and I hope to my students. I am going to a class with Ana this Sunday so I can keep that connection I need to my own power.

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