Some of that residual resistance is still there but I try to reinforce that props are used twofold:
To enhance the pose
To allow the pose
When a pose is enhanced it gets bigger. The body is allowed to open. In this respect, it allows the body to go into a deeper practice.
When it allows a pose, it is a support. If you can't pick up your foot when you stand up, maybe a strap can help.
I love working with teachers who use a lot of props, like Ana Forrest and Tias Little. My own home practice is HEAVILY reinforced with blocks of various sizes, like my renowned jumbo blocks and sometimes two straps to support advanced back bends. I also use two ottomans, various chairs, walls, and a husband.
I have never taken an Iyengar class but plan on it soon. I love the influence he had on restorative and I also have plenty of bolsters and blankets and eye pillows for at home restorative. What could be a better home practice after a long hard week working and teaching.
I am still working on some themes for classes this week and will post something by tomorrow. So get your props and come on down this week for a very enhanced practice.
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